We put a lot of care into packing orders for shipment so that you receive our high quality products without issue.
However, once the order is picked up by the shipping vendor and starts its journey to you, things can sometimes go wrong.
Should you receive an order that was damaged in shipping, it is very important to follow the steps below – as required by our shipping vendors – to ensure you receive a timely replacement order without additional expense.
Note: If the required documentation is not submitted within the required time frame, the damage claim could be denied by the shipping vendors.
Freight Deliveries
5 day-window to submit claims for damaged items
Please follow these instructions for receiving deliveries via Freight:
Step 1: Inspect exterior of package. If there is visible damage, or any visual indicators of potential damage to product, indicate “Visible Damage” on Freight Carrier’s delivery receipt and photograph exterior of packaging before opening or removing from skid.
Step 2: Unpack the product and inspect it for any damages.
Step 3: If there is damage to product, provide photographs of the following:
1.Photographs of the damaged exterior packaging.
2.Photographs of the damaged product.
3.Keystone order number.
Step 4: Send all the photos, along with the original Keystone order number to info@keystonewood.com within 5 days of receiving the product. Indicate in the e-mail what items from the original order will need to be replaced.
Watch our demo on how to properly inspect your Freight Delivery for damages.
Parcel (UPS Ground) Deliveries
10 business-day-window to submit claims for damaged items
Please follow these instructions for receiving parcel deliveries. This needs to be completed for each parcel that contains damaged product.
Critical Information Regarding Product Packaging
Until you have verified that your product has arrived with no damage, it is very important to keep the package (cardboard box) the product was shipped in and all of the inside packing components (bubble wrap or foam wrap, etc.)
Step 1: Open the package and inspect for any damages to the product.
Please complete Steps 2-3 if you find damage.
Step 2: If there is damage to the product take the following photographs:
1. A photo of the damaged item outside of the package that shows the area of damage.
2. A photo of the damaged product in the original packaging, as it arrived to you.
This step requires placing the damaged product back in the package it came in and recreating how it was packaged. If there was bubble wrap or foam wrap on top of the product when it arrived, please place those items back on top of the product before taking the photograph.
3. A photo of the packaging material used (bubble wrap, foam wrap etc.).
4. A close-up photo of shipping label with tracking number.
5. Take a photo of the top & 2 sides of the exterior of the shipping package.
6. Take a photo displaying the bottom and the opposite sides of the exterior of the shipping package.
Step 3: Send all the photos, along with the original Keystone order number to info@keystonewood.com within 10 business days of receiving the product. Indicate in the e-mail what items from the original order will need to be replaced and how many items were in the package. If multiple packages from the same shipment have damaged product, complete this process for each package.